Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

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Get Free Ebook , by Shauna Niequist

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, by Shauna Niequist

, by Shauna Niequist

, by Shauna Niequist

Get Free Ebook , by Shauna Niequist

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, by Shauna Niequist

Product details

File Size: 304 KB

Print Length: 256 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Zondervan (May 26, 2009)

Publication Date: May 26, 2009

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing

Language: English

ASIN: B000SH224M



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#101,923 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I bought this book originally for my daughter, but reading her copy I liked it so much I had to buy one for myself. Shauna Niequist has an amazing gift to take the ordinary things we experience in everyday life and help us to see that they are truly extraordinary and worthy to be celebrated. She is incredibly honest and artistic also in crafting her short vignettes. This book has inspired me to live with my senses more attuned to the beauty and blessedness of each day.

I love Shauna Niequist. I really do. But this isn't my favorite thing of hers. She has really come into her own over the past few years, ado this book from 10 years ago feels a bit underdeveloped and more like a collection of blog posts. I still love her, but wild recommend choosing something else to read by her if you're just getting on the Niequist train.

This nook had me constantly bllurting out mentally, "you too? I thought i was the only one!" Shauna is personable, kind, gracious, and at times, will make you laugh right out loud while staring into this book. Her celebration of the ordinary truly is a celebration from page on to the very end. You'll cry, you'll be restored, you'll want to pray and thank God, and come the last page, you'll want to flip to page 1 and read it all once again.So, thank you, Shauna - and to all you skeptical purchasers: just buy it, and dive into a book that will help you see life just a bit brighter.

O.k. so to be honest right from the get go, I am not into religious books. But I am what you would call "spiritual". It's a general statement that's important in a review of this book for one reason only: this book talks about God all the time.Because of the authenticity of her writing, I was ok with the fact that she has a slightly different way of approaching her spirituality than I do. Once I crossed that bridge in the beginning chapters, I was in awe of her. Some of her stories I think will change my life. Perhaps lean me into a direction that is a little bit more of who I really am.The way she contemplates her life is so complex, thoughtful, touching, riveting, hilarious, intense, vulnerable and most of all REAL.The talent of this author has to do with her honesty about humanity. About the human experience. She is a fantastic authentic storyteller, and so each chapter is a chapter about her current life. Specific experiences that were either highly beautiful or very challenging, and she describes her process, her reactions and her meditations on each subject. How she made sense of it all.Reading her book is like being in her mind and looking at the world directly through her lens. Now that's talent. There were times I laughed and, truly, times I cried. There were times where I had to put the book down to reflect, because one of her stories impacted my own life so intensely.I would say that anyone who would not like this book would be those who are offended by her god. But I believe that is what balanced, critical thinking is about when it comes to reading ~ opening yourself up to another person's way of life. And leaving the philosophy in the book that is not relevant to your life, out.She does state clearly in one of her sentences that she equates extreme religious fundamentalism to things like environmental destruction, so I'd say that gave me some insight into her approach to religion in general.Those of you who hesitate because you're too liberal, too "un-church" going, too "alternative": just go for it. She'll touch you deeply if you keep your mind and heart open.

I loved how honest she was. I felt myself connecting with her in so many of her stories. Many times throughout the book I found me self relating to her feelings, thoughts and actions. But it has encouraged me to have a better perspective of my life-my house, my body, relationships. Great book!!

This book is a must read for all women. My husband jokes that we should just buy this book in bulk because I have bought 20 copies (no lie! I went through all my past Amazon orders and counted!) over the last 3 years - every time I order a new copy for myself I end up giving it away to a friend! Shauna's truthful and encouraging words were life giving to me 5 years ago when I read this book and still encourage me today. She has a fresh perspective on life that calls all women to rejoice in the stage of life they are in right now, instead of longing for the next. This book met me where I was when I was just out of college and wanting a better job than my minimum wage gig, when I had just gotten married and felt all alone in a new city and now in my new life stage of having a newborn. Her premise is that life is happening now and you can either choose to cherish and recognize each God given moment or anxiously long for the next and never be satisfied. Her words are insightful, inspiring and thoughtful. You won't regret reading this book!

After reading Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist I knew I needed to get a copy of this book too, and it has not disappointed. Shauna tells stories in ways that captivate the reader, and this book is especially lovely in how she truly does find those beautiful moments in every day life. While reading this book I've noticed more of the moments in my own life, too. If you aren't familiar with her writing, it might be nice to know that she writes small chapters so even if you only have five minutes before bed you can read a chapter and set it down until the next night (if you can set it down!) without feeling like you lost what was happening in the book.

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, by Shauna Niequist PDF

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